Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby (dun dun dun du-du dun dun *dink*)

Mmm, hot tea and toasted oatmeal bread. 
If I close my eyes, I can pretend it's warm...  
On the other hand... if I open them... there's much to see!

Look! While we were sleeping we got bubble glass installed!

And we lucked into that view of a pond we always wanted!

This was such a nice tree, we thought we'd preserve it.

Here it is from another angle, doesn't it look nice encased in glass?

These bushes weren't looking so great, so we got them sparkled up.

Unfortunately, they're not doing so well with the extra weight of the crystal...

And one more, just for fun.

1 comment:

  1. Woah- that is a lot of ice! We got some here but not nearly as much. I can't say that I'm sorry. Once again one of those times I live in Cinci and not NY or Chicago!


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