Monday, February 21, 2011


Remember when husband's phone decided not to come back inside after all that shoveling?  Well after last week's thaw, our snow mountains shrunk into snow sand castles... and husband found his phone!  It had been soaking up some rays, so it was looking nice and steamy after that slow soak in the melting snow.  I'd heard that if you take a phone apart and put it in a bowl of rice, it helps draw out the moisture... so we tried it. 24 hours later we put it back together and plugged it in... AND IT WORKS!  I kid you not.  Best cheap phone EVER!

I made these ricotta cookies to celebrate (also, they're Italian... and we're going to Italy!). They are delicious!  I had one for breakfast.  Now it's snowing again... maybe we'll play hide and seek with another phone?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's amazing!

    And to catch up from your last few posts- Italy? Awesome. I want to go someday. You guys will have a blast. I know nothing of what you should do there though- except eat.

    Kale Chips just sound disgusting. But nice try... :) Have a good day!


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