Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Day 131

Well, something is working.  Sometimes.  But what?

I started feeling much better in early April, dealing with CONSTIPATION for the first time in years and years!  Obviously not ideal, but what a welcome change!

Then things got wobbly for a few weeks...

...and now they MAY be improving again, or not.  Who knows.  I am so ready to be done dealing with UC, but unfortunately quitting isn't really an option.

I managed to get to my office in the city yesterday and have a very productive day, but not without it's troubles.  I had to run to the bathroom on the train, eeek!  Luckily I had the foresight to choose a seat in a car with a bathroom, it was unoccupied, and not too gross.  The rest of the day I was super nervous, but didn't have any more trouble.

My food options are starting to feel a little bit more normal... here's what I ate yesterday (I brought lunch to the city):

  • breakfast: homemade turkey sausage patties with honey and cinnamon "syrup"
  • 2nd breakfast: Smoothie (homemade coconut milk, coconut oil, banana, blueberries, OJ)
  • elevensies: Bacon (cold)
  • lunch: Grilled chicken, leftover garlic zucchini, olives, olive oil & vinegar (cold)
  • snack: Baked apple with blueberries, coconut oil & vanilla
  • extra snack: homemade fruit snacks (blueberry juice and gelatin)
  • dinner: "creamed" chicken and pumpkin soup with spices (pureed)
  • dessert 1: pumpkin pie (coconut milk, pumpkin, vanilla, spices, gelatin)
  • dessert 2: frozen peanut butter and coconut oil bites
I was hoping to restart tapering prednisone this week, but since I'm feeling a little wobbly I held off.  I should be taking this opportunity to add new vegetables into my diet (up next: cucumber or mushrooms?), but I gave into cravings for peanut butter and added that back instead.  I'm sticking to small quantities since I know it can be an irritant for many people.

My body has been going through a lot of stress the past few weeks (visitors, return of the live in MIL, allergies, hormones still crazy, sick kids, work deadlines) and I'm hoping that's what caused the wobbly-ness and things will settle down soon.

Perspective is everything - even my bad days are better than where I was a few months ago!  Currently bad days are characterized by slightly increased frequency and bad cramps.  Good days are a few cramps and a few bathroom trips, sometimes not urgent.

I'm still hopeful that this new medication Entyvio is working and that I will see a lot of improvement after my next infusion in early May.  In the meantime, maybe my intestines are having a chance to heal because of my (hopefully) healthy food choices...  And hopefully i'll be able to lower my steroid use some more, currently on 10 mg of prednisone and using cortifoam twice/day.

In other news, my size 2 pants are falling off.  Who's thighs are these?

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