Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hot hot hot!

I'm not talking about the weather. 
I'm talking about soup!

This afternoon, soup saved me.  As of late, I've been losing my battle with pollen...

Until today!

Thanks to some mulligatawny soup from this place up the road, I've remembered my old friend:  SPICY FOOD!!  Since allergy medicine (as well as the allergies themselves) make me a bit of a space cadet, I do what I can to treat them naturally.  Namely, by using a neti pot and getting lots of rest.  But thanks to today's incidental soup purchasing, a world of other helpful options have worked there way back into my memory!  Ok, not a world.  But two!  And both have been very effective in the past!
  1. Spicy foods!  This includes hot peppers and chili powder, as well as fresh ginger. Wasabi and horseradish are not recommended,  because unhappy sinuses + horseradish = evil explosion.  Eating raw onions and garlic might count, but the aftertaste just makes me keep eating foods that I can't really taste unless I've eaten chili first.  (Why is it that with a stuffy nose I can still taste bad things like onion breath but not delicious things like cookies?)
  2. Chopping onions! All that crying is kind of like using a neti pot, without the weird posture. haha.
I think tomorrow I'll chop a bunch of onions, and use them to make chili!!

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