Good things:
- I apparently have pretty awesome will power
- I lost a lot of weight (too fast), and have stabilized at a pretty good weight for my size, hooray!
- I'm a lot less bloated than I used to be
- I'm eating a lot less sugar and hardly any chemicals
- I have a little less anxiety over food, since the rules of the diet are pretty clear cut. Before the diet i was very overwhelmed with all of the conflicting advice!
- I like knowing that I might have taken a major step toward healing my body, even if I can't see it yet
Bad things:
- I'm still missing out on a lot nutritionally since I'm having so much trouble introducing new foods.
- Life is complicated, so when I have bad days I never know if it was some random factor from life (stress, germs, hormones, sleep) or a new food.
- The diet is a lot of work, often overwhelming. Sometimes I need a convenience food! Bananas are the closest thing right now... but unfortunately it seems to be nearly impossible to buy a ripe banana, so if I haven't planned ahead properly (or if my family eats them) it's a problem.
- I'm still sick. Quite sick. I appear to be physically healthy, but I still can't leave the house. My quality of life is currently pretty low in that regard. Interrupted sleep and lots of bathroom anxiety.
- So, so many of the recipes recommended for this diet include dairy and/or eggs... both of which I've ruled out for a while. I don't even plan to try nuts or peanuts again for at least a few more weeks... BORING. I need to hurry up and find some vegetables that I can introduce successfully!! What vegetables don't cause gas or irritate? So few! Everything is either a nightshade, a legume, or related to broccoli. And greens are out too... since spinach was a big fail. I'm serious... what else is there? I'm currently eating carrots, winter and summer squashes and asparagus. Next up is... beets? Is that all there is? I might try tomatoes or peppers soon too, even though they're nightshades. Dying to add in garlic and onion, but they're crazy gas producers...
Moving forward, I:
- Will stick to the rules for at least a little while longer, hoping to get a stretch of relatively little stress and germs, see if i can finally establish a baseline of "safe" foods
- Will consider adding in digestive enzymes to see if they help
- Will continue with Entyvio treatments
- Will continue with the idea of reintroducing foods to try to pinpoint intolerances
- Will avoid eggs at all costs (I think that's what sent me into my recent downward spiral... which is in alignment with past experience)
- Might relax the rules of the diet if I don't see major improvement kick in soon... things like jarred applesauce and canned tomatoes might become acceptable in my m ind... right now they're "illegal" because they MIGHT be made with sugar that isn't listed on the label.
Desperation Recipe of the day: Coconut oil glazed frozen banana coins
- Frozen banana
- Liquid Coconut Oil (microwave for 30 seconds if solid)
- Slice frozen banana into coins
- Dip in coconut oil, place on a plate or parchment for a moment to so that coconut oil will harden around banana
- Consume immediately (banana melts fast and turns liquidy and weird)